
The online exhibition was curated and designed by students at George Mason University under the guidance of Dr. Robert DeCaroli and Dr. Debra Diamond, for the “Curating an Exhibition” course in Spring 2020. Web development and design were done by Elizabeth Denholm and Kelsey Roberts.

Read a blog post about this project on the Smithsonian National Museum of Asian Art’s website.

Elizabeth Denholm
Author: “Love as Devotion” text; Asavari Ragini (Bundi); Asavari Ragini (Mewar)
Web Developer

Lee Halvorsen
Author: “Love as Emotion” text; Malasri Ragini; Gujari Ragini

Zeina Hamdan
Author: “Traditional Techniques” text; Kamodhani Ragini; Kakubha Ragini

Kathleen Klingenberg
Author: “Love as Emotion” text; Vilaval Ragini (Malwa); Vilaval Ragini (Bikaner)

John Mors
Author: “Traditional Techniques” text; Kamod Ragini; Sarang Raga (Bundi)

Kelsey Roberts
Author: “Love as Devotion” text; Bangali Ragini; Shankarabharana Ragaputra.
Web Content Editor

Grant Schultz
Author: “Traditional Techniques” text; Gunakali Ragini; Vilaval Ragini (Bundi)
Image Details

Julia Wheeler
Author: “Love as Emotion” text; Jalandhara Ragaputra; Vibhasa Ragini
Artwork tombstone compilation and formatting

Adrienne J. Wyman
Author: Introduction text; Raja Mandhata as Himal Raga; Dhanasri Ragini
Photo acquisition